**- Steps to transfer account X from server A to server B is given below -**:--
Go to cpanel (port 2082) for account X on server A
Go to the backup page, and generate a backup.
[it will tell you to wait, depending on the account size on disk and server load could take several minutes to complete]
After is finished, note the name of the generated file (should be something like
If you have root access to both servers
SSH to server B, and issue the following:--
scp SERVER_A_IPADDRESS:/home/username/backup_TIMESTAMP_username.tar.gz .
[notice the dot at the end]
[This will put the file in the folder you were in when you logged in on server B - usually /root]
Then go in the WHM of server B, click "Restore a Full Backup/cpmove file", It should show a list of possible files to restore.
Type the username that you want restored, and click Restore
Give it some time, and it should end with "Account restore complete"
Then you should go to the DNS functions, and view the zone of the domain created, to make sure everithing is ok.
That's about it.
The backup contains everithing needed to re-create the account on the other server < site, emails, email accounts, databases, .htaccess files, addon-domains, subdomains etc >